A Swedish design classic in the making.
Matches have been around for 170 years but have basically always looked the same. We give them a whole new life with beautiful and playful colors in elegant glass bottles.
The idea for our brand was born in 2017 when the founder, Swedish Martina Sahl, was looking for something beautiful to light her candles with. She thought it was time for the matchbox to get a new, more elegant design and came up with the concept of the glass bottle.
The idea was the starting shot for what has since been well on its way to becoming a Swedish design classic. Our products are sold in more than 300 stores in Sweden and now we launches direct to consumer on this website to Finland, Denmark and Netherlands and Belgium.
But we only ship with Budbee so they only ship to some citys in each country at the moment.
In Finland we deliver to: Helsingfors, Vanda, Esbo, Åbo, Jyväskylä, Lahti, Tammerfors and Uleåborg.
In Danmark we deliver to Copenhagen, Aarhus, Nordsjælland, Aalborg and Odense.
In Belgien we deliver to Flandern and Bryssels.
All over the Netherlands except the islands.
More about us